Advancing ALS Research 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 Number of known genes Genetics of ALS The Global Leader in ALS Research: We Inspire Partnerships The ALS Association collaborates with top ALS scientists, clinicians, consultants, entrepreneurs and execu- tives from all over the world to create and lead an exceptional global research program. We are proud to forge partnerships and drive collaboration among individuals, non-profits, academic institutions, industry and government to accelerate the pace of ALS research. 7 Nine Strategic Initiatives u The ALS Association com- mitted $19 million to ALS research in 2016, more than any other non-profit organi- zation. That commitment to re- search is paying dividends. ALS research is advancing at its fastest rate in history. In 1993, we knew of only one gene (SOD1) that is linked to ALS. Today we know of more than 30, and the list keeps growing. * From ALS Centrum Nederland