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Walker Tools

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Once you register for the Walk to Defeat ALS®, you'll have access to valuable fundraising resources Register Now


Hands-On Tools for Fundraising

Walker Handbook
Your go-to guide for everything Walk related. It contains interesting ideas, helpful tips, and chapter contact information.

My Walk Supporters Pledge Sheet
Print this worksheet out and keep track of your donations!

Deposit Slip
Are you mailing your donations to The ALS Association before the Walk? Help them out and fill out a deposit slip!

Fundraising Ideas: A to Z
Tons of new and exciting ways to raise money. How about a Wiine and Wii Party? Or would you prefer hosting a Firefighter Fashion Show?

Sample Fundraising Letters
If you've got writer's block, we can help you. In addition to the Message Templates in Participant Center's email feature, you can use these sample letters to recruit team members and ask for donations.

Potential Donor Spreadsheet
Keep track of who you ask for what with this Excel spreadsheet. It'll also help you identify some new donors!

Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question about Participant Center? Registration? Just want something to read?

Matching Gifts
Many companies will match a gift made by an employee. Some companies even triple match or match pooled gifts. This is a great way to boost your fundraising with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Fundraising Thermometer 

Display your fundraising progress with pride! You can color in this thermometer to show everyone how close you are to meeting your Walk to Defeat ALS® goal!

Legal Size | 8.5"x14"
Letter Size | 8.5"x11"

Dress Down Day Stickers
Ask your boss or school administration if you can sell Dress-Down Day Stickers. Suggested prices are $1 or $3. These stickers print on Avery Shipping Labels (8163/5163). Template will open in Microsoft Word for your customizations.

Penny Wars
"Change" the way you raise money! PDF includes instructions for starting your very own Penny War.

Additional Resources