Mobile App

Fundraise from your Phone

If you aren't on your phone right now, chances are that you will be any minute now!  So take fundraising with you wherever you go and be sure to download the Mobile App to ensure that you are raising as much awareness about Team Challenge ALS and the 2018-2019 Rock N Roll Series as possible.  Fundraising is easy when it's literally in the palm of your hand!  With the app you will be able to upload photos, easily share fundraising and event updates on facebook, send out emails, check in on your fundraising progress, interact with your donors, and much more!

We've Gone Mobile! Your fundraising has gone mobile thanks to the Team Challenge ALS mobile & tablet app. Now you can fundraise on the go by sending emails, monitoring their fundraising progress and updating their page. 


Fundraising tools at your fingertips

You'll be able to send and schedule Newsfeeds, as well as update your profile picture to the Community of Hope logo, keeping your Facebook friends up to date on your fundraising progress and making supporting your efforts just one click away! Get started now.