Jim Bungerz Hero Wod



Jim Bungerz Hero Wod

Over the next few weeks CrossFit gyms across the country will do the Jim Bungerz Hero Wod to celebrate their physical abilities and raise money to continue the fight against ALS. In the past two years CrossFit HWS has raised over $8,000 for the ALS Association. This year we are asking anyone who is able to, to donate what they can.  Whether they are doing the workout or are a suporter of the message, "Get Up For Those That Can't."


September 24th, 2008 my dad, Jim Bungerz, lost his fight with ALS. More commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that robs its victims of any use of their muscles—leaving them unable to walk, talk, or even breathe. Despite a fatal diagnosis my dad never gave up or complained. Over his six-month battle with ALS he remained a strong father and husband even as he became confined to a wheelchair. It is this courage and strength that we look to honor with this event.

Unlike most Hero WOD's this is not dedicated to a fallen soldier or service member, but like all Hero WOD's, this is to salute an individual who gave everything for the ones they love. Not only does this event look to honor my dad's battle but it also serves as a celebration of the abilities we have. Too often our capabilities to move are taken for granted and by doing this workout we are reminded that we are lucky to do it when other's are not so fortunate. The message behind this event is Get Up For Those That Can't!

The workout:

Jim Bungerz Hero WOD
9 rounds
24 push-ups
8 deadlifts at 215/135 Lbs.

13 push-ups
5 deadlifts at 95/65 Lbs.

Last year's fundraiser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MiPOt59N34



Jim Bungerz Hero Wod - Join Team Raised
Morgan Bungerz $150.00
Team Gifts $2,759.24
Denotes a Team Captain
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