Dr. Thomas F. Tonniges Fund for Advancement of ALS Clinical Care and ResearchTo my many old and new friends and to friends I have not yet met: For many of you who know me, I am the guy who is continuously asking for money. Whether it is for a new IMAX theater, a political candidate or a great children’s organization, I have only asked for you to support things that I fully believe in. I am now asking for your help again. This is not necessarily for me, but much more for our children and their children. I have ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. It is a fatal disease that cuts all our lives far too short. I have a great life. I could have not asked for anything different. I, like Lou Gehrig, “am the luckiest guy in the world.” But when I talk to a 28 year-old with ALS who has young children, I say we have to double our efforts to rid this world of one of the most horrible diseases. With a huge group effort, we did it with polio. I see no reason why the 5,000 Americans who are diagnosed with ALS every year should not anticipate a brighter future than we do today. When I went to medical school, my classmates and I took the Hippocratic Oath: I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity. Our family lived in Hastings for 18 years. I took care of a family that had two boys. As what tends to happen, these boys grew into bright young men. I had heard that their mother had ALS and was in the hospital. I stopped in her room to see her. What I first saw was her eyes telling me that she understood everything I said. Second was that she had no control over her body. Vicky, and that visit, had a profound impact on me. I told her that I would do everything possible to make sure her boys got the best care possible. So, what can I do? I can now “serve humanity” one last time by advocating, educating and do my part to someday make ALS a disease of the past. Currently there is hope. As you read this, clinical trials are going on with the possible use of stem cells to regenerate what is lost because of ALS. When I went to medical school in the 70’s (getting old!), we had a lecture or two that dealt with all the neurodegenerative conditions. We were left with the idea that we would probably never see a person with one of these illnesses. I personally know four people with ALS. I have also met several people whose parent, aunt or uncle or close friend has died from ALS. It is not a rare condition. This effort will help fund (but is not limited to):
Please help the ALS Association and the University of Nebraska Foundation improve care, assist in the care for families in need and develop a research agenda for “care, treatment and cure” for this horrific disease. Consider a donation to kick-start Nebraska’s ALS efforts…your donation will have a profound impact on generations to come. Thomas F. Tonniges, MD |