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Positive Caregivers

Positive caregivers have many admirable qualities.  Here are a few of the more prominent ones.  Put a checkmark next to those you think best describe your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Positive caregivers…

____ are realistic.

____ feel good about themselves.

____ trust others and are compassionate.

____ feel they are in control of their lives.

____ feel challenged, courageous, and competent.

____ have healthy ambitions and pursue realistic goals. 

____ are creative and competitive in constructive ways. 

____ are good friends with their care receiver and others.

____ have no difficulty in developing healthy interpersonal relationships.

____ can take a position on a sensitive topic without becoming obsessed. 

____ are tolerant of others, even those who have different belief systems. 

____ see themselves as others do and are comfortable with what they see.


Excerpted from Positive Caregiver Attitudes, by James R. Sherman, Ph.D., Pathway Book, 1994, p. 15.




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