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Ice Bucket Challenge Enthusiasm Translates to Support of ALS Activities

September 22, 2014

The ALS Association is tremendously grateful for the $115 million received this summer. Ice Bucket enthusiasm continues to translate into local support in communities nationwide. The Association is seeing significantly increased participation in its fall Walk to Defeat ALS® events and other activities.

Given this summer’s unprecedented awareness around ALS, most of The Association’s chapters in both large and small markets, have seen a 30 to 100 percent increase in registrations for their Walks. The ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter, for example, saw a substantial increase in the total number of walk participants at its most recent even in Pittsburgh: 1,977 participants in 2013 compared to 3,277 people in 2014.

“This is an encouraging sign that people have truly embraced the fight against ALS as a cause they want to support,” said Barbara Newhouse, President and CEO. “We are truly thankful for the public’s continued support of the fight to find treatments and a cure for the disease.”

The Association developed a special video thank you message to the millions of people who participated in the challenge.

The Association is actively involved in meeting with key stakeholder groups to provide input into a plan to spend the $115 million in Ice Bucket Challenge donations wisely. The plan, which will be heavily focused on driving ALS research forward, will be voted on by the National Board of Trustees in mid-October.

On Friday, Sept. 19, Barbara Newhouse, President and CEO of THE ALS Association, met with a panel of advisors of people living with ALS. Out of respect for their privacy, health and well-being, The Association has left the decision of sharing their participation directly with these individuals.

“We look forward to continue communicating with all our donors and the public about how this incredible support will fuel the fight against this disease,” continued Newhouse.




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